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+41 (0)41 818 08 80
Stoos-Muotatal Tourismus GmbH
Grundstrasse 232
6430 Schwyz
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The mountain village with character

The cosy Sigristen House, local tradition and an abundance of nature – that is what Illgau is about! It lies on an idyllic sun terrace which is protected from the wind at around 200 metres above the Muotatal.

The widely spread farms are inhabited at 1,300 metres all year round. The small community of approx. 800 persons knows how to maintain their strong traditions and characteristic peculiarity.

Destination for nature lovers and families
Thanks to the strong and quiet location, Illgau has become a holiday destination for those who love landscapes in the countryside. Hikes and walks lead to scenic outposts which display the Mythen or Muotatal from another angle. On the winter hiking and snow shoe trails, nature belongs to you.

Families, too, have discovered the excitement of Illgau. The Ladybug-Trail is a hiking trail for children. Thanks to the lovingly constructed forest playgrounds, the hike becomes a day’s excursion for families. Tobogganing fun can be had at the cable car Illgau-Vorderoberberg.

Highlights in Illgau

Out and about with the family or drawing strength from nature – Illgau offers both. In the mountain world between Ibergeregg and Muotathal time runs at its own slow pace.

Energy site Illgau

Folk music and tradition

Besonders bekannt und beliebt ist die Illgauer Volksmusik. Man erzählt sich, dass in jeder Illgauer Familie mindestens ein Instrument gespielt werde. Neben den traditionellen Kapellen treten auch Bands auf, die moderne Rock- und Popmusik spielen.

Auf grosses Echo stossen Brauchtumsanlässe wie etwa die Sennenchilbi, die jedes Jahr am Fasnachtsmontag stattfindet. In Illgau treffen sich auch regelmässig die Muotathaler Wetterschmöcker und geben mit träfen Sprüchen ihre Wetterprognosen für das nächste Halbjahr zum Besten.



8 Bands & 8 Ländlermusik-Formationen zählt Illgau bei rund 800 Einwohner



In Betriebnahm der ersten Personen Luftseilbahn. Vorher war Illgau im Winter nur zu Fuss erreichbar



Eröffnung des ersten Restaurants & Herberge, das Restaurant Sigristenhaus

3.5 km


183`161.25 CHF kostete die erste Strasse nach Illgau, die 1911 gebaut wurde

Plan the perfect time out now!

For bathtub racing pilots. For big-city time-outs. For arm-bending world champions. For sun worshippers. For nature explorers. For snowshoe dancers. For wellness warm-showers. For carving champions. For après-ski princesses. For you! Discover the region Stoos-Muotatal.

Over 2,500 guest beds available