Project “Weather-Energy Experience Stoos-Muotatal”
With the villages of Morschach, Stoos, Muotathal, and Illgau.
Stoos-Muotatal Tourism (SMT), together with the municipalities of Morschach, Muotathal, and Illgau, is developing the project “Weather-Energy Experience Stoos-Muotatal” to position the area as a “weather region.” This initiative aims to showcase the region’s distinctive weather phenomena and make them beneficial for tourism and local businesses. The Stoos-Muotatal region is characterized by diverse and sometimes extreme weather phenomena. The project makes these phenomena tangible while leveraging them for tourism and economic value creation.
The “Weather-Energy Experience Stoos-Muotatal” project is financially supported by the federal government and the canton under the New Regional Policy (NRP). NRP projects aim to promote the regional economic development of mountainous areas, rural regions, and border areas.
Broadly Supported Working Groups
Around 40 individuals are involved in the project and have contributed to idea generation. The goals and content of the project were developed by three broadly supported working groups composed of members from the local population, businesses, politics, as well as forestry and agriculture. These groups focused on the following themes:
- Politics, Society, and Culture
- Tourism, Business, Education, and Science
- Energy, Nature, Agriculture, and Forestry
Benefits for Tourism and Local Businesses
The project’s primary goal is to ensure year-round and weather-independent utilization of regional service providers. Additionally, it seeks to deliver benefits and added value to the local population and enhance value creation for local businesses through overnight guests and day-trip tourists.
Understanding the Weather
The variety of weather phenomena and their impact on the region will be showcased across the participating municipalities. Each location will focus on a specific theme:
- Morschach: Wind
- Stoos: Clouds
- Muotathal: Precipitation
- Illgau: Sun
These themes will be presented through both theoretical and practical experiences, enabling visitors to better understand the weather and experience extreme weather phenomena.
Showcasing the Beauty of Weather
The content of the four locations is currently being defined, refined, and translated into engaging exhibits. These will allow visitors to gain deeper insights into weather phenomena and experience extreme weather up close.
Detailed Plans by the End of 2024
The project team aims to advance the development of the four locations to the extent that, by the end of the year, the municipal assemblies of Morschach, Muotathal, and Illgau can be informed about the project’s content and next steps in December.
Facts & figures and questions & answers about the project weather-energy experience.
Media releases:
- Dezember 2024: Wetterprojekt Stoos-Muotatal nimmt konkrete Formen an – Dezentrale Standorte sind bekannt und Kosten lassen sich abschätzen
- Juli 2024: Das Wetter besser verstehen – Projekt «Wetterregion Stoos-Muotatal» nimmt konkrete Formen an
- März 2024: Wetter-Energie-Erlebnis Stoos-Muotatal – Breit abgestütztes Projekt zur Stärkung der touristischen und gewerblichen Wertschöpfung
Reports/publicity reports in the Bote der Urschweiz:
- 14.12.2024: Bote der Urschweiz – Touristenattraktion nur für Schwindelfreie
- 14.12.2024: Bote der Urschweiz – Steg über Bettbach geplant
- 14.12.2024: Bote der Urschweiz – Morschach steht vor hohen Investitionen
- 06.12.2024: Bote der Urschweiz – Wetterprojekt kostet 7 Millionen
- 06.12.2024: Bote der Urschweiz – Wetter-Tourismusprojekt kostet die Gemeinden 2,1 Millionen
- 22.11.2024: Bote der Urschweiz – Riesige Regendusche wird in Muotathal Touristenattraktion
- 13.11.2024: Bote der Urschweiz – Illgau profitiert vom Projekt Wetter-Energie-Erlebnis Stoos-Muotatal
- 28.10.2024: Bote der Urschweiz – Windkanal für Touristen geplant
- 28.10.2024: Bote der Urschweiz – In Morschach wird der erste Standort des Wetter-Energie-Erlebnisses geplant
- 26.10.2024: Bote der Urschweiz – Alois Fassbind: Neue Projekte bringen uns Auftrieb
- 18.09.2024: Bote der Urschweiz – Muota Metzg: Der Tagestourismus bringt uns viel Kundschaft